1. Customers must use the main entrance in order to enter the camping area. The reception’s working hours are 08:00 to 23:00. After 23:00, no vehicles are allowed to enter or exit the camping area.
2. Departures of the campers with tents take place until 17:00. The departures of the campers from the small houses, rented tents and the campers with motorhomes until 12:00.
3. The position of permanent campers is defined by the reception.
4. Cars are allowed to park only on the designated parking areas. Driving and parking vehicles in the camping area is under the owner’s responsibility. Vehicle damages within the camping area are not covered by the business. Motorbikes must be parked at the provided special parking lot adjacent to the reception area.
5. It is forbidden to light fires in the camping area. For barbecue, specially designed areas should be used.
6. Quiet hours are from 15:00 to 17:00 and from 00:00 to 08:00. The use of sound systems of any type is prohibited in the campsite.
7. Campers are responsible for keeping their spaces clean.
8.Damages caused at the facilities or the devices of the unit by the campers and their visitors, are charged to campers.
9.The Company has no responsibility in case of theft, damage, fire, natural disaster or terrorist action.
10. Children under 14 years should use the various facilities under the supervision of their parents. Children can move around the camping site on their bikes with the absolute penal and civil liability of their parents.
11. Emptying chemical toilets is allowed only at the specific, for this use, spaces.
12. The speed of vehicles in the camping may not exceed 10 km.
13. The company reserves the right, all year long, to request from a permanent camper to transfer their campers in another designated area within the facility or to make itself the transfer, if there is a specific reason.
14. Any additional intervention that obscures the image of the camping is strictly forbidden, either on the camping site or on the campers’ instrument such as roofing, fencing, warehouses, barbecue, whatever the texture of the building materials.
15. Removing wheels and support your tent with different means than the traditional means of support is strictly forbidden.
16. Pets are allowed in the camping area. The owner is obliged to provide the management team with the pet’s health log book upon his/her arrival at the reception area. The health log book should contain information in regards to the pet’s vaccination history, chip number, and registration details to the register office. Pets must be restrained and they should not disturb the other customers within the camping area. Pet’s faeces must be collected by their owners. The usage of public areas (w/c, bathrooms etc.) by pets and their entry and stay to the Bar areas is prohibited. It is also forbidden for animals to enter and stay in small houses and rented tents.
17. Washing your caravan, tent or car inside the camping is forbidden.
18. Storing fuels or other flammable materials within the camping, as well as spreading nets is prohibited.
19. The entrance of campers and visitors should be done only through the main entrance. All campers must wear a wristband for control and security of the site.
20. The power supply is exclusively for small appliances (max 1500 watts). Caravans and motorhomes are excluded.
21. Campers are required to deliver to the reception for safekeeping any proprietary object of value. The company bears no responsibility in the event of theft, damage, fire or terrorist attack
22. Accounts are paid during the departure.
23. The use of cars and motorcycles for recreation purposes is strictly forbidden within the enclosure.
24. Pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages caused by natural disaster (bad weather, intenserainfall, strong winds, falling trees and branches), state of war, or force majeure are not covered by the business.
25. The camping, with respect to the physical environment, operates a biological purification plant and a fire prevention system. Due to the function of the biological treatment the use of chemical detergents (bleach, CMC, TIDE etc) is strictly prohibited. Please use only compatible green products.
26. Entering and staying in the campsite implies the acceptance of the terms of this Regulation.
The management reserves the right to expulsion of campers or visitors who would not respect the rules of operation of the unit, without further warning.
We believe that mutual respect, in the enchanting camping site of Papa Nero, will contribute to make your staying unique and unforgettable.
From the Directorate of the Camping