Camping Papa Nero adheres to the basic measures to prevent the transmission of covid-19 by using a face shield, masks, gloves and antiseptics by the staff.
Upon entering the Camping the customer fills in the form-questionnaire in a waiting area indicated to him outside the reception. It enters the reception in order of priority and keeping a natural distance of 1.5m. and receives his card. Thermometry is done from a distance. The placement of the tent must be at least 5 meters from its entrance and 3 meters laterally from other tents and the camper is obliged to comply with the location instructions of the staff.
The client must inform the reception immediately if he / she has symptoms compatible with Covid-19 infection.
If a client develops symptoms compatible with Covid-19 infection, the following applies: The Camping Coordinator in charge of the incident is informed and the doctor of the Antiparos Municipality Clinic is called immediately. The client is led by the responsible coordinator to the special room for covid-19 and following the instructions of the doctor is transferred to the doctor’s office for examination and laboratory test. Depending on the instructions of the examining Doctor, EKAB is called and the patient is transported with a simple surgical mask to the nearest health unit with simultaneous information to EODY. If there is a companion of the patient, his details are recorded and he is given a simple surgical mask and gloves.